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Backend integration

ViteJS allows to be use to serve assets. So, you can connect ViteJS with Wordpress, Drupal or any kind of backend.


To make vite-plugin-svg-spritemap works with this kind of environnment, you will need to handle the right url inside your backend if you are on dev or build.

For example, with <use> on dev, using direcly the id of the svg (with the injectSvgOnDev option).

  <use xlink:href="#sprite-spiriit"></use>

And in prod, by putting the correct URL manually thanks to the manifest.json file information :

  <use xlink:href=""></use>

To prevent CORS issue with SVG and <use>, you can use the injectSvgOnDev option. Don't forget to add the HMR script directly above you close body.

<script type="module" src="http://localhost:5173/@vite-plugin-svg-spritemap/client"></script>

You can see an example of backend integration in the server example folder examples.