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Vue components

vite-plugin-svg-spritemap allows you to load icons and create <use> as <svg> and <view> as <img> tags like Vue components.

To do that, import the icons loaded by vite-svg-spritemap and add the ?use or ?view query. The plugin will transform the component.

<script setup lang="ts">
import SpiriitUse from './icons/spiriit.svg?use'
import SpiriitView from './icons/spiriit.svg?view'
import ViteUse from './icons/vite.svg?use'
import ViteView from './icons/vite.svg?view'

    <!-- You can use the slot to pass a title before the use tag generation -->
    <title>My superb logo</title>
  <ViteUse />

  <SpiriitView />
  <ViteView />

will generate

  <title>My superb logo</title>
  <use xlink:href="/__spritemap#sprite-spiriit"></use>
  <use xlink:href="/__spritemap#sprite-vite"></use>
<img src="/__spritemap#sprite-spiriit-view" width="118" height="38">
<img src="/__spritemap#sprite-vite-view" width="31" height="32">

You can see the usage in the corresponding demo folder.


For typescript, you need to load the type definitions inside vite-env.d.ts to fix errors with ?use/?view query.

/// <reference types="vite/client" />
/// <reference types="@spiriit/vite-plugin-svg-spritemap/client" />

Nuxt 3


This plugin only works with Nuxt 3 and Vite as a bundler.

You just need to install the plugin and set it in the right place for Nuxt 3.

// nuxt.config.ts
import VitePluginSvgSpritemap from '@spiriit/vite-plugin-svg-spritemap'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  vite: {
    plugins: [

You can see the usage in the corresponding demo folder.


For usage with TypeScript, you will need to add in a .d.ts file the reference type /// <reference types="@spiriit/vite-plugin-svg-spritemap/dist/client" /> (see issue #38) to use ?use/?view query.

/// <reference types="@spiriit/vite-plugin-svg-spritemap/dist/client" />